I was recently asked to photograph a memorial stair climb in New Orleans, dedicated to the men and women who lost their lives on September 11th.
343 firefighters
60 law enforcement officers
8 emergency medical technicians
That’s the exact number of First Responders who sacrificed their lives on September 11th. And that’s the exact number of current First Responders who make the climb each year to honor them. It begins with a silent mile, then a 78 story climb in full gear. Each firefighter is wearing the badge of a fallen FR, calling their name out as they finish the climb. The silent mile was extremely powerful - nothing but the sound of ruffling uniforms of those in full gear. Loved ones stand along the route, holding signs of those of are no longer with us, making sure we don’t forget their faces.
We must never forget the bravery it took to go up while everyone else was going down. Here’s to those who choose to protect us every single day.