New York always fascinates me. How a city this big works with all its moving parts is beyond me. It boggles the mind.
More than 800 languages are spoken in New York. Languages that have gone extinct in other parts of the world are still spoken in Queens. All this humanity living side by side…it's the ultimate human experiment. New Yorkers will never be known for their hospitality, but just the fact that they all seemingly get along is a testament to what New York stands for.
We stayed with some great friends in Brooklyn, right under the Williamsburg bridge. We dropped our bags and headed out to the new Domino Park, offering some of the best views of the city. We neglected to check the weather. The dark clouds over the city were the perfect backdrop, but they soon enveloped us. With nowhere to hide except a leaky taco stand, we had to simply wait it out while getting dumped on.
Day two brought us down to the financial district to meet our gracious host Caroline for lunch. It was my first time seeing the new WTC and the Oculus, the new $4 Billion dollar train station. (Not everyone is happy about that dollar figure.)
We walked around without much of an agenda for the rest of the day. Trying to kill a few hours before dinner we headed uptown to the Museum of Natural History, where we got on the wrong train and ended up somewhere in Harlem. It would not be our last mistake on the subway, but it’s all part of the experience.
And of course, while in New York I had to get some shots of Riki lookin’ all glam in some of Neely Phelan's latest.
New York is the ultimate lady. She will kick you when you are down. She doesn't care about your problems. She is hard to live with and makes nothing easy. Yet she will always leave you wanting more.
Someone once summed up New York perfectly: it has the most of everything.
Dan and Caroline, you were the perfect hosts. We cannot wait to invite ourselves into your home again, soon.
Dan & Caroline, our gracious hosts in 35mm
a note on the photography
These are the only shots I took on my digital camera. The vast majority were shot on film, which along with my thoughts, are being saved for another post. Coming very soon.