So many lighthouses, so little time.
Riki and I were lucky enough to spend the week at her grandmother's home in Martha's Vineyard. Any time you can get out of New Orleans is August is a welcome treat, but when you can escape to a place like Martha's Vineyard, it's even better. Free place to stay? Perfection!
I expected to find a bunch of billionaires "summering on the Vineyard", with their sweaters tied loosely around the neck, prancing around in their whale shorts and boat shoes. Because you know, anytime you use the word "summer" as a verb, you're probably a snob at the very least. But I found the opposite. I'm sure Martha's Vineyard has it's fair share of snobs, but to my great relief, I didn't meet any. We did meet our fair share of "regular" people in "regular" houses with "regular" jobs. Thank goodness. And like most other seasonal destinations, it also had a huge amount of young foreign people just working for the summer. I was very surprised at the diversity.
We made the most of our little trip to the vineyard. We ate like kings. I didn't think I eating too much lobster was possible, but by day three I was craving a burger. (But now, as I'm writing this, I want another Lobster roll.) We biked over to Chappy and saw the bridge where Ted Kennedy left that poor girl for dead. We took the ferry over to the mainland and drove up and down Cape Cod. We found John Belushi's grave (who knew?) and witnessed a tarantula hawk take down a spider. We explored Oak Bluffs and Edgartown and ate more lobster. The dummies even let Riki drive the ferry.
I loved it. Riki's grandparents were the perfect host. The architecture, food, and of course, weather, all added up to the perfect little vacay. Until next time...

Ya'll are really gonna hate me now...

"I may be gone, but Rock 'n Roll lives on."

I'M A HUGE FAN OF EDWARD GOREY, so of course we couldn't take a trip so close to his house and not visit. We took a ferry to the mainland and drove about 45 minutes down the road to his house, located in the quaint little village of Yarmouth on Cape Cod. It was a great day.

OAK BLUFFS AND EDGARTOWN are very similar and yet very different. While Edgartown is undisputedly the "nicer" of the two, Oak Bluffs has all the character. Real houses, gingerbread everywhere, and bustling with life.

WE WOULD FINISH UP OUR WEEK IN BOSTON. We started off at Cheers! which is just as horrible and touristy as you would think, but we had a blast. We walked through the old city up to Quincy Market, another horrible tourist trap, but one with free bathrooms. We ended up in little Italy, circling the block a good 8 times before finally settling on a nice little Italian place. It was the perfect end to the trip.

If anyone is curious, the only camera I brought with me was my trusty Fujifilm X100S, my absolutely favorite travel camera. That, and or course, my drone.